terça-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2009

A very delicious festivity...

In Portugal Christmas is a very important festivity because it is when the family is all reunited. Besides that Portugal has a very strong catholic tradition so Xmas has also an important religion meaning.

Christmas in Portugal has a curious aspect, because the traditional food is different in the northern and southern regions of the country.

In the northern regions people eat boiled codfish with boiled potatoes and cabbage or octopus. In the southern regions people eat turkey!
The Portuguese desserts are really delicious!!

We have “rabanadas”, similar a French toast ( a kind of slices of bread with eggs milk and sugar, this dessert is topped with cinnamon and yellow sugar) “pão-de-ló” ( a kind of sweet bread) “aletria” ( boiled vermicelli sweet with eggs and cinnamon) “sonhos” (pumpkin fritters) and the famous “King’s Cake” ( a wreath like fruit cake laced with crystallized fruits and pine nuts, there is a little present inside the cake and a broad bean, the one who finds the broad bean in one slice, must pay the next “king cake”.)

Besides that, in Portugal we decorate the streets and our homes with various colour lights, and like many people around the word we decorate our Xmas tree with colour lights and balls. And below the Xmas tree we put de CRÈCHE representing the nativity of infant Jesus, with Virgin Mary and St Joseph.


A special present...

In Portugal Christmas is a very important festivity. During Christmas almost every home has a crèche, and a Christmas tree. The streets of the biggest cities are all decorated with Christmas lights and giant cribs. It´s also a great commercial opportunity for the big shopping centres.
In many families is the only time of the year they see each other. In Portugal, Christmas is a very religious time but I´m unable to describe that part of Christmas because I´m atheist.
My Christmas is different every year(you see, if I do the same thing every year this festivity would become very boring). So this year I´m thinking about watching TV and talking with my grandpa and my uncle that are coming to visit me. I´m going to eat the traditional codfish. Ah, just by curiosity my Christmas tree this year will be a small araucaria heterofila. This year I would like to find in my Christmas sock a greenhouse with 2000 m2 ,fan heaters, ventilators, humidifiers, and a high tech watering system. I was thinking about asking Santa Claus a billion dollar airplane but maybe that would be a little too much…What do you think?


terça-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2009